Happy new year to my worldwide neighbors

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This will be a very short post, dear neighbors.

I want to start the year by thanking all of you: those of you out there who take the time to read my posts, and also for the bloggers who teach me so much by sharing their own experience in the kitchen, the garden, or simply life.

So here we are already in 2020; may it bring you many joyful moments and all the xxx that you wish for*.

*a note to grammarians: I am told this sentence ends with a “dangling preposition”. Apparently this is a no-no, but, hey, you know me, I like doing things my way, in the kitchen and in my posts 😊


    1. Thank you very much, Jillian, for nominating me! I will try to answer your questions within the next month. I am glad you only asked for three nominees — I only have one in mind at the moment 😊


    1. Not to worry about the “delay”, Kathryn: I often operate in what I like to call a “turtle mode” 😄!
      I was once again admirative of the photos of your garden on your last post yesterday. It must bring you such joy. Thank you for all the sharing, past and to come. Happy new year to you, Kathryn!

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