First of all, welcome to this site!

If you have landed here, chances are that you, like my husband, are sulfite intolerant.  Over three years ago now, we found out by accident that his ongoing health issues (among which asthma, constantly teary eyes, bloating, were the most obvious) were not caused by our environment, but by… what I was feeding him.  Suddenly cooking became a real challenge in our household.  Fortunately, gluten free and dairy free recipes were readily available on the Internet.  However, a lot of changes still had to be made if we wanted to avoid sulfites.

Over the course of the past months, I have adapted, and even created, a number of recipes which I have decided to share online. If you are looking for sulfite-free meals, I hope to be of help here. If you are not, there is no harm in trying out my recipes, as they mostly use fresh produce and in any event unprocessed food.

Happy sulfite free cooking!



Tracy, whose site put me on the right track for a happy healthy husband!


Bertrand Waterman, whose book and forum were also of great help:


DISCLAIMER: I am not a medical doctor; therefore you will not find any medical advice on this site. Also, insofar as sulfite intolerance is a tricky condition, with different symptoms and reactions for different people, I cannot guarantee – I wish I could! — that what works in our household will be perfect for you also.


  1. My friend just shared your blog with me. I have a severe intolerance to sulfites which is actively getting worse (or I’m just more aware of what is setting me off) and I have been struggling for some variety in my diet, thank you! I’m so excited to try out your recipes 😀


    1. Hi again!
      I am going to need to take a new look at some of my recipes: currently in the U.S. I have noticed how some of the ingredients behave differently. Agar powder is one of them: you need more than what I normally use in France.


  2. I’m delighted to find that you have a blog written in English since my French is a bit rusty. And What a great site! I have a number of food intolerances, and so I’m thrilled to have “accidentally” found you through your “like” of a comment that I made on Jeff’s blog. I’m looking forward to digging into your recipes! 😀


    1. Thank you so much Lynn! I was actually considering putting an end to the English side of my blogging yesterday, as I was preparing another post — double blogging takes a lot of time and I was not sure whether my recipes were of real interest to people. You are encouraging me to go on!


  3. First site I have found with great recipes. Also follow so closely to what I know to be sulfite free. So many different lists of what has sulfites conflict. For instance you use tofu in one of your recipes and from the research I’ve done any kind of soy is high in sulfites. Could you let me know what you know about it or where I can find the information.


    1. Hi Teresa! I am so glad to be of help with my recipes. Indeed there is a lot of contradictory information out there, perhaps due to the fact that everybody’s gut flora being different (or damaged to a different degree) each person will react differently. I basically go by what my husband can tolerate or not. And it seems that after a struggling time he can now eat a little of the former “forbidden fruit” 😊. For instance, he can definitely have a little bufflonne mozzarella and unpasteurized goat cheese without any problems. Both are organic and fresh. He doesn’t react too much if he has a peach, an apricot or a few strawberries, when in the past all of these used to trigger real inflammation. It’s a great victory and may be a sign that after a while, four years in his case, gut flora can slowly be repaired. I am currently investigating this path, as it seems such a shame to have to completely eliminate wholesome foods such as broccoli and cauliflower.
      About the tofu, actually, he can ingest soy yogurt and soy “cream” but NOT traditional tofu, especially the lactofermented type, which I love and cook for myself separately. Thank you for mentioning it, I need to include a note in my recipes, explaining that the tofu option is only for people like me who have no sulfite intolerance.
      Happy healthy cooking, Teresa !


    1. 😊 I feel honored, thank you! I hope I am allowed to take my time for the reply: I am a slow writer, and even more so in English 🐢…
      Again, thank you. I had read somewhere you were not supposed to nominate bloggers with over 200 followers, but apparently not, since you got the award (and so did Dolly from koolkosherkitchen I think). Very happy for you.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. No rush at al, if you can’t do it then don’t worry. I just couldn’t leave out your site when I was thinking of who to list. I think most people play fast and loose with the rules, it’s mostly just a way to spread your site around and help others as far as I can tell.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Never mind the question, Jillian, I am on your blog and reading about the symptoms your son and husband had. I am still amazed that so few doctors are willing to look into food as being our source of ailments. It’s good that you found out relatively early on. My husband was treated for asthma (with increasing dosages) for over twenty years before we changed our diet!


  5. Sounds like you’ve been on a very similar journey to us. My husband is also intolerant to sulfites, along with gluten free & other things. Avoiding the sulphites is by far the hardest as they are hidden in so many things. Looking forward to checking out your blog.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much Jillian. I hate knowing that sulfites do not have to be mentioned on a label! Cooking from scratch is basically our only option, very time consuming but so much worth it! What symptoms did your husband have?
      I will be checking out your recipes, too: always looking for new ideas!


  6. YES!!!! The very foundation of our health is the food we consume – just like we would put the best possible gasoline in our vehicles we should be just as concerned about the fuel we are providing our bodies!

    Your blog is a great encouragement! Looking forward to more of your sulfite free recipes!

    Liked by 1 person

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